These bee journal covers or printable pages are super colorful and fun for your junk journals, mixed media or scrapbook pages. AND they have a free commercial license for printing out!

Please note: This article contains affiliate links, and that means that I may earn a commission if you buy something. Read my full disclosure here.
All The Bee Journal Cover Pages Printables
I know I like to see what I am getting before I commit to scrolling, so here are all the printable pages for your viewing pleasure!

Get Them In “Real Life” – Get Bee Journals
My marketing besty is selling these designs as physical journals you can buy… whoo whoo! Check out all the bee journal notebooks!

Check Out Nelly’s Journal!
One of my readers sent over pictures of her journal… how cute is the cover with the colorful bee on it?

Additional resource :: Check out all the free printables with bees on them!
Why Did I Make These Free Printables?
First off, I am a graphic design nerd so sitting around making cool free printables for you is fun for me! #dorkalert
And second, I am lucky enough to have ads on my website so I get paid a tiny bit of money any time someone comes to my pages. And NO you don’t have to click the ads to help, just being here is enough.
That said, if you do want to help, share this link in your favorite facebook group or Pin it to Pinterest, it helps more than you will ever know!
Oh, oh, oh… don’t forget that I have free printable bee tags and tickets too!

If you LOVE making junk journals and want a full printable kit to help you get started, check out the Bee Junk Journal Kit

How To Download and Print
I have formatted these to print out on “normal” 8.5″X11″ letter sized paper. Once you sign into the freebie library you can download a pdf file of all the journal covers and print away!
For something like this I would print it two different ways:
For Art Journal Covers – If you are going to be gluing these onto the front of your art journal I would print it on regular typing paper or maybe 95# bright white paper. That will allow you to form it to the shape of your journal more easily.
For Journal Pages or Scrapbooking – If you are going to use this as scrapbook paper or to use the elements in a journal page I like to use cardstock or presentation paper. The little bit of added weight makes them more sturdy.
Commercial License
I have a super liberal license for anything printed out! You can use them in any kind of finished product that is printed. Here are some examples:
- Printed out and sold as collage sheets in South Africa
- Used to make a finished junk journal for sale on Etsy
- Printed out and used in magazine collage art for sale
There is no license to distribute these digitally. You can’t share a link to your google drive with these pictures, use them in Print On Demand, or email them to other people. If you want to share them with a friend just send them a link to this page and they can get them herself!
How To Get The Free Printable Bee Journal Covers
I have GREAT news for you! All my free printables are in the Freebie Library! But if you don’t have the password yet, click the image below to sign up and get all the freebies! WHOO WHOO!

Free Printable Bee Journal Covers Wrapup
I hope you love these bumble bee printable journal pages as much as I loved making them! I can’t wait to see how you use them in your bee craft ideas.
If you have any ideas for other designs, please email me [email protected] and I might just make them for you FOR FREE!