I had my Mother In Law living with us for years when she was first diagnosed with Alzheimers and these are the tips and ideas I wish I knew when I was a beginner Alzheimers caregiver.

Why I Wrote This Post
We found out that Mom had dementia long after we had noticed some real problems, but I was not prepared for all the things that I would need to know to take care of her in our home… sigh.
I pulled together 15 of the top things that I had trouble with when Mom moved in at first to give you a hand with things you might be experiencing caring for your loved one!
15 Tips For New Alzheimers or Dementia Caregivers
Having talked to hundreds of Alzheimers caregivers over the years I KNOW your loved ones will either eat too much or too little, wander or sit still all day, shop too much or never want to leave the house.
If something applies to you, great read about it, if not skip it and move on to the next one!
What To Do After You Find Out Your Loved One Has Alzheimers

It is shocking when you find out your loved one has Alzheimers, here are some things that you can do!
Will You Have To Care For Your Aging Parents At Home?

Figuring out that your loved one can't care for themselves anymore is hard, here are some things to think about if you are deciding to move them in with you!
Deciding When To Move Your Parent In With You

Is it time to move your Alzheimers parent in with you? Tips and ideas for how to figure it out!
How To Get Your Alzheimers Mom To Leave Home

You know it is time for your Mom to move in with you, but she isn't ready to give up her independence. Here are some tips and ideas to help!
Tips For Downsizing Your Alzheimers Mom

When you are moving your Alzheimers Mom in to your home hard decisions have to be made about how much of her stuff can come with her. Downsizing her stuff can be hard!
Dealing With Lying To Your Alzheimers Loved One

The first time I lied to Mom in front of my son he was shocked, but now he understands why lying to your Alzheimers loved one is often the kindest thing to do!
Why Won’t Your Alzheimer Parent Throw Anything Away?

Oh my gosh, getting my Mother In Law to throw out anything is a chore! Here are some tips and ideas for how to get her let things go!
Tips and Ideas To Get Your Alzheimers Parent To Eat

When Mom first moved in getting her to eat anything was mission impossible! Here are some tips and ideas for how to get your Alzheimers loved one to eat!
How To Figure Out Which Medicines Your Mom Is Taking

One of the first things I had to do was figure out all the medicines that Mom was supposed to be taking and it seemed like none of her doctors knew the whole list.
5 Reasons You CAN’T Argue With Alzheimers

I learned the hard way that arguing with someone with Alzheimers is totally ineffective and just upsets both of you!
The Heartbreaking Reason My Mom-In-Law Keeps Buying Calendars

It was so sad… Mom just kept buying calendars trying to help her remember what she should be doing.
How To Find Your Alzheimers Loved One If They Wander Off

Many of our loved ones wander off, especially right after they move into your house. Here are some tips from professionals that I got at a symposiums.
What If Your Alzheimers Mom Is Shopping Too Much

My mother in law always shopped too much, but once we had to fit her and her stuff into a small bedroom we had to figure something out!
Should You Get Your Alzheimers Loved One A Dog

I have gotten a lot of questions about whether getting your loved one a dog is a good idea to keep her company. Here are some tips and ideas for you to consider!
My Morning Routine As An Alzheimers Caregiver

It has taken a LONG time to get stable morning routine, here are some of the things that I have put into place!
Alzheimers Caregiver PTSD… It is a real thing!

Caring for an Alzheimers parent is hard and puts a lasting mark on you… sigh. Here are some tips and ideas for how to take care of you too!
15 Tips For New Alzheimers Caregivers Wrapup
I hope this
- How to get the smell of poop and pee out of your loved ones laundry
- How to get your loved one to take a shower
- Natural remedies to take care of bedsores