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My 2021 Art Journal Vision Board

This year I decided to do my vision board as an art journal that I could add to and create in all year long (while seeing my goals all the time!) Here are my best tips and ideas for making a mixed media, magazine collage art journal.

My 2021 Art Journal Vision Board

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What Is A Vision Board?

A vision board is a way to represent your dreams and desires using pictures and words, usually on poster board or cork board. It is a way to help visualize your goals and use the law of attraction to make those goals come true by reminding you on a daily basis what you are working toward.

What Is An Art Journal Vision Board?

This year instead of creating a vision board I decided to create a bunch of dream boards inside an 8 page mixed media art journal!

This will let me make my goals more dynamic, I can use my art supplies AND do my vision board work!

I truly believe in the power of visualization to achieve your goals in all areas of your life!

My 2021 Art Journal Vision Board

Coming into 2021 I was feeling all hopeful and fancy so I decided to make my “vision board” an art journal that I could actually use and create in all year long!

Here are the pages of my journal and what they mean to me!

The Cover

I used my rainbow folder that I made using acrylic paint, tissue paper, inks and texture paste to make.

I LOVE this little cat on the cover and how he is looking at my goals. I also have a fun quote, “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity”, Amelia Earhart.

This is my way of living. It takes me FOREVER to decide, but once I have made that decision I am tenacious and like a dog with a bone!

Pay Off My Jeep Page

Art Journal Goals Page - Pay off my jeep

Okay this page is one of my favorites! I have my jeep there and one of my goals is to make enough money to pay off my jeep. I am going to do that by blogging and making videos so the microphone represents that to me.

There is also a cat bothering that lady in the chair. I want to get a new chair for my “bedroom office” and my cats ALWAYS bother me when I am working!

The quote on this page is, “The question isn’t who is going to let me, it’s who is going to stop me”, Ayn Rand. Now she is a little weird for my tastes, but I love this quote and the fact that most of the places I am trying to get are male dominated so Rosie being there is a great inspiration.

My Orbit Page

Doing my orbit page of my art journal vision board

I am doing a video a day for a year (business days) and that is called an “orbit” in YouTube terms. This is to remind me that the work I am doing is to let me go places and get things like a summer home by a lake!

I love this one because it is so colorful and fun!

The quote on this page is, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing”, Walt Disney.

Don’t Be Like Everyone Page and 10X

Don't Be Like Everyone Art Journal Page and 10X

This one is fun! I love that little dog and he reminds me of my friend Tena D who loves dachshunds!

But mostly this is the 10X page… meaning that I need to 10 times my goals so that I can achieve unrealistic results.

The quote on this page is, “You can’t give up, if you give up you are like everyone else”, Chris Evert. I KNOW I can do this thing that most people say is crazy!

One Million Views and Make Art Page

One Million Views and Make Art Journal Page

This page is about getting one million views on my blog posts each month. And also that I have to make art to do that. It has been YEARS since I took the time to do things that make ME happy while I have been raising our kids. Now is the time to start doing things for me… like make art!

The money is pretty self explanatory… I currently make around $5K a month blogging… I want to get that number up significantly this year. AND also have a little cabin by the ocean where I can listen to the waves.

The quote on this page is, “If I am not actively creating something then I am probably actively destroying something”, this one is by Liz Gilbert… my artsy idol!

The Believe Art Journal Page

The Believe Art Journal Page

The one thing I do believe is that if I focus on doing things I love and helping other people do things they love, all the little boats will rise together!

The bee is my sprit animal and the only tattoo I have! And he is hugging money… what could be more appropriate to my big money year!

The quote for this page is, “What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make”, Jane Goodall.

Focus Art Journal Page

Focus Art Journal Page

Focus is a continuing mantra in my world. Because I am creative and entrepreneurial I can be a bit all over, but when I focus, a month at a time on things that I want to do I succeed. The only thing different this year is that I am focusing ALL my months on making a video a day!

The cards and roulette wheel are to remind me I like gambling and Vegas and someday, when the kids are grown I will get to go gambling again!

The quote on this page is, “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take”, by the legendary Wayne Gretzky. It reminds me that I if I do nothing I will get nothing but if I try I will get SOMETHING even if it wasn’t what I expected!

The Back Cover

The Back Cover Of My Mixed Media Art Journal

This one turned out SO DARN FUN! That is American Pharoah trained by Bob Baffert my favorite horse trainer. He is standing outside a barn where two owls with their feathers pushed up stand (I am fascinated by owl legs when you can see them!)

The quote on this page is by Maya Angelou, “When you know better, you do better” and is one that I say to myself often as a Mom!

Art Journal Vision Board Video Walkthrough

Art Journal Vision Board Web Story