As a Mom and caregiver, I have lots of times where sleep just doesn't come easy! Here are all my best (real world tested) tips and ideas for how to use essential oils to help with sleep or insomnia!

Sleep is so important to the body, that lack of it can seriously affect your coordination, response times, mood and senses. Your body uses sleep to heal and restore itself. It’s hard to get a solid 8 hours of sleep for many, but there are ways to use essential oils to help you fall and stay asleep.
My Sleep Story
I have always been a good sleeper and NEVER considered using sleep aids (okay, every now and then I used Night Time Cold Medicine to knock me out – but not REAL sleeping pills).
Now, I am not anti pill, I take depression medicine because my body can't regulate itself, but I just heard so many horror stories and then mixing medications didn't seem like a great idea… so I turned to my trusty essential oils to help when I am stressed, anxious or just can't get to sleep!
Essential Oil Pillow Sprays
I love to put a squirt of calming sprays on my pillow before I lie down (I spend about a half an hour cruising my phone and winding down so the sleepy sprays really help with that!)
I love putting my essential oils into spray bottles. Because I have cats diffusers in my bedroom don't work so the spritz of essential oils really works well for me!
Additional Resource :: 3 Fun Essential Oil Pillow Sprays!
The Best Essential Oils To Help You Sleep
One of the things that I had to learn to understand when I started with oils is that there are no “rules” for what you “have” to use!
It is more about testing and seeing which oils work best for you. For example, cedarwood oil, lavender and vanilla work for me… when I tried using Ylang Ylang it just didn't. I don't know if it was the smell or the oil itself, but that just didn't work to calm me down.
Try small batches and test until you find what oils work best for you!
Cedarwood Oil

Cedarwood has anti-inflammatory, relaxing, and sedative properties. Diffused before bed will reduce stress and help induce the release of melatonin, which will make it easier to fall asleep. You can also mix with a carrier oil and massage a few drops on your forehead, temples and neck.
Ylang Ylang Oil
This essential oil helps reduce inflammation and has a sedative effect on the body. It helps you get into the deep and restorative sleep your body needs. It relieves insomnia caused by stress or anxiety. Add to your bath before bed, diffuse or put a drop on your pillow.
Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood oil can also stimulate the body to produce melatonin, and is also a sedative and anxiolytic, which helps clear the mind. Diffuse before bed or massage into your palms.
Lavender Oil

Lavender is probably the best-known oil for calming and relaxation. Used sparingly, it will calm the mind and body so you can fall asleep. It also has anti-spasmodic properties, which helps it prevent restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea. Add to a bath, diffuse or add a drop to your pillow before bed. DO NOT overuse as that will calm you but also keep you awake.
Sweet Marjoram Oil
Sweet marjoram oil has sleep-inducing and sedative effects on the body. It also reduces anxiety and stress and helps release melatonin. A few drops can be mixed into a glass of warm water.
Jasmine Oil

This heavenly smelling oil is fabulous sleep aiding properties. It lowers stress levels and calms the mind. Diffuse or add to a hot bath before bed.
Valerian Root Oil
Historically used as a sedative, valerian root oil can elevate mood and relieve depression. It causes a deep, uninterrupted sleep. It’s a strong smelling oil, so blend and diffuse it.
Roman Chamomile Oil
Chamomile is famed for being relaxing (tea anyone?) due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Its especially good for relieving chronic pain so you can sleep. Diffuse or add to a bath before bed.
Vanilla oil

Sweet smelling, vanilla can have a sedative effect on the body. It’s known to reduce hyperactivity and restlessness, quiet the nervous system, and lower blood pressure. Diffuse alone or blend with a floral before bed.
Rose oil or Geranium oil

Rose and geranium are in the same floral family, and both have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, on their own and in combination with other essential oils. Diffuse or add to a bath before bed.
Essential Oils For Sleep FAQs
I get SO MANY questions when I talk about how essential oils work for me and my family! Here are some of the ones related to getting a good night's sleep!
Why Do Essential Oils Have A Calming Effect?
Certain essential oils are widely know to be calming (think of lavender!) They can help through your nose or skin to calm down your heart rate and nervous system!
Should I Use Citrus Oil In My Sleep Time Mix?
I LOVE using orange and lemon oils A LOT… but they are bright oils that might keep you from feeling calmer and having a restful sleep. I don't use them, but again, try them in a small batch and see if they help YOU!
How Many Drops of Essential Oils Should I Use In A Spray Bottle?
I tend to go in groups of ten or twenty. So I will do 20 drops of lavender essential oil, 10 drops of Cedarwood and 10 drops of Vanilla. Then I fill about 1/2 of the spray bottle with a carrier oil like almond or coconut oil.
Now, I can use undiluted essential oil straight on my skin (like peppermint and lemon for a headache). If you have more sensitive skin you need to use more carrier oils to dilute them.