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Free Printable Butterfly Junk Journal Kit

Super pretty free butterfly junk journal kit! Great for mixed media, altered books, scrapbooking and more! Includes journal pages, tags, tickets, tabs and more! Includes commercial license for printing.

Free Printable Butterfly Junk Journal Kit

What’s Included in Your Butterfly Journal Kit

This awesome 5 page junk journal kit has two sets of journal pages, vintage ephemera and fun butterfly sayings!

  • Journal Pages: These are half page spread and can be used as covers or focal pages in your journal!
  • Tags, Tickets, and Tabs: Cute little accents perfect for adding extra charm to your journal spreads!
  • Extra Ephemera: Get excited about even more delightful bits and pieces to play with in your mixed media creations!
What's Included in Your Free Butterfly Journal Kit

Why I Made These

I LOVE having printable ephemera to use in my mixed media and art journals! AND I get to do a wee bit of ephemera collage as I am designing these for us to use!

I used both my creativity and public domain images from the Graphics Fairy for these free printable vintage paper crafts. They are perfect for all your DIY projects!

Why Are They Free?

I KNOW, it seems crazy pants to give away something I could charge big bucks for, but I LOVE being able to provide crafting supplies for my peeps to use in their art journaling, creative scrapbooking or handmade journals!

Commercial License For Printing

I love being able to support small business owners and entrepreneurs by letting them use these printables, in whole or in part, to sell commercially!

As long as you print them out first you can use them in items for sale on your own website, in person or online in a shop like Etsy.

There is no license to distribute these digitally. If you would like to share them with a friend, send her the link to this page and she can download them herself!

How To Download and Print Them

These and hundreds of other free printable collage sheets are available in the freebie library! Simply sign up below and you can get all the printable goodness your heart desires!

They are fomatted to print landscape on 8.5″X11″ letter sized paper. I like to use a heavier cardstock weight to make the pages, tags and tickets a little more robust (and able to handle all my mixed media craziness!)

Get The Freebies!

You can either click the link to the freebie library or the image below to get your password! If you already have the password, click here to get the butterfly printables!

Free Printable Butterfly Junk Journal Kit

Free Butterfly Printable Collage Sheet Kit

I hope you love these printable as much as I do! I can’t wait to see how you use them in your handmade journals, stationary crafting like greeting cards and all the fun crafting you gals do!

If you do make something, send me picture and I will include it on this page so all the peeps can see your amazing work!

Here are some free printables you might love!

Free Printable Butterfly Junk Journal Kit