Halloween is such a fun visual holiday that can make for amazing written journaling or mixed media junk journaling! Whether you have kids or are dressing up as an adult, or have amazing decorations, here are some fun journal writing prompts for Halloween!

Halloween Themes
- Haunted house
- Tomb or crypt
- Graveyard
- Funny or cute monsters
- Monster mash
- Witches coven
- Dracula’s or Frankenstein’s castle
- Rocky Horror Picture Show
- It
- Edgar Allen Poe (raven, nevermore)
- Full moon
- Spells
Halloween Colors For Mixed Media & Journaling
Here are the “traditional” Halloween colors:
- Orange
- Black
- White
Here are some “modern” Halloween colors:
- Purple
- Lime green
- Red

Looking for more? Check out the Wicked Cool Junk Journal Kit!

Halloween Writing Journal Prompts
Phases of the moon
Your favorite Halloween costume of all time
Your favorite scary book or character
Your favorite Halloween memory of childhood
Scariest movie you ever watched
Thoughts of family members who have passed over
How you decorated your house this year
How you feel about curses, black cats or broken mirrors
How you feel in a cemetery
Write about a time you almost died
How many trick or treaters came to your home
Your favorite candy as a kid
Creepiest superstitions
What were you most scared of as a child
Your costumes over the years
Who came to your Halloween party this year?
What you carved your pumpkins as
Halloween Images
Here are some traditional halloween images:
- Ghosts
- Pumpkins
- Jack o’ lantern
- Spooky trees
- Mummy
- Devil
- Witches
- Candy or candy corn
- Skeleton
- Dracula
- Monsters
- Bats
- Gravestones
- Spiderwebs
Unique halloween images:
- Ravens
- Stacks of books
- Old fashioned bottles
- Mirrors
- Venus flytrap plant
- Day of the dead (colorful skeleton faces)
- Sugar skull
Halloween Journal Prompts Wrapup
There you have it, all my best tips and ideas for how to have some fun journaling this Halloween season!
I have to say, this is my favorite journaling holiday, since I tend toward the macabre anyways! I have a whole “black and red” journal that I am working on that I love finding spooky bits and pieces to use.
I even have some free Printable Halloween Ephmera for you!