I love finding Ikea Kallax storage solutions that I can use to organize my craft room! This Storage Drawer from Stamp N Storage is so well built and beautiful now that I have painted it all the colors of the rainbow!

While it did take a fair bit of time to get all the drawers painted, this project may be one of my all time favorite Kallex inserts!
Kallax Storage Unit Drawers Video
The Original Storage Drawer Cabinet
I was super excited to find this kind of 10 drawer storage unit for my Kallax cubes from Stamp N Storage! It's actual name is a “drawer cabinet”… here is link to their website!
It was made of super nice and sturdy wood, left in its raw state and I knew that I would be painting it colorful colors!

I started the painting process by painting the whole unit (put together) with white spray paint that included a primer.
A Personal Touch with Paint
I knew that I was going to paint this (and all the other units I got for my Kallax cubes) rainbow color.
I am not sure why all the other craft rooms are painted white, white Kallax cubes, white inserts, etc.
But I am an artist for goodness sake and I wan't to add my own spin and color to the project!
The first coat I did in basic student grade Blick acrylic craft paint…

As all my first coats do, it looked TERRIBLE, blotchy and just bad! But you can see that the second coat is much better (the red and orange drawers have the second coat applied).
I decided that I wanted to use Tim Holtz Distress Paint colors for the final version, I have the normal rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet and I added in pink for one more fun color)!
I only did one coat of the Tim Holtz paint on all drawers except the green one… the Mowed Lawn paint struggled to cover in one coat.

Organizing My Stencils
I had been organizing my stencils using Storage Books with clear inserts, and that was working okay for me. I had a hard time keeping the books organized and you really had to want to get the stencils out, which meant that I was using them less… sigh.
Now I have them in the bottom 5 drawers of the drawer cabinet sorting according to how I think of them…
- Dyan Reaveley Stencils
- Joggles Stencils
- Tim Holtz Stencils
- Mix of all other smaller stencils
- Masks

I love how easy it is to pull out drawer and see which kind of stencils are in there! I know me and having the different colored drawers will help me remember which color has which stencils!
A Rainbow Of Craft Storage
I know that this is a winning storage unit because my son came into my craft room and said, “mom you should do that all the way across your storage cubes”! I love that kid!
Anyways, I am super pleased with how this project came out and hope that this gives you some ideas about how to make your craft room organized and fun!
Here are some other storage solutions you might like!
- Stamp N Storage Kallax Carousel Spinner
- How To Organize Your Stamps and Dies Together
- 5 Colorful Ways To Store Your Craft Paint