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4th of July Circle Ephemera Stickers Free Printable

Jazz up your crafts with these stunning 4th of July ephemera circles. Perfect for junk journals, these free printables come with a commercial license, letting you get as crafty as you like and even sell your unique creations!

4th of July Circle Ephemera Stickers Free Printable

Please note: This article contains affiliate links, and that means that I may earn a commission if you buy something. Read my full disclosure here.


talk about seeing them all – use the tall picture so peeps can share it on Pinterest

4th of July Circle Ephemera Stickers Free Printable

Get even more free printable 4th of July ephemera!

Why I Made These Patriotic Freebies!

I LOVE all the patriotic holidays (I grew up in the rust belt of PA where we were VERY patriotic!)

Making these types of ephemera for my art journals is super fun for me and fortunately I am a graphic artist so I can make them for you too!

Also check out the 4th of July Journal covers and Patriotic Ephemera pieces I have made too!

This is actually my year of freebies where I am making SO MANY fun things to give away for my crafty friends! For this project I used a combination of the Graphics Fairy public domain images and my imagination to make these cool ephemera pieces.

Why Am I Giving Them Away?

Right about now you might be asking yourself, what is the catch? Why would these amazing printables be given away for free?

Well, luckily I have ads on my website so I get a tiny bit of money every time someone comes to one of my pages which allows me the time and income to make freebies for you!

And nope, you don't have to click on the ads to help, you can help by sharing to your favorite Facebook group or pinning this post to Pinterest if you like!

Free Commercial License For Printing

I wanted to make sure that my peeps never worried about using this art in their pieces, even if they were going to sell them!

With that in mind there is an almost unlimited commercial license for printed out projects. As long as you print them first, you are good!

Here are a few ways that people have used my ephemera pieces in the past:

  • Sold at a bazaar whole as collage sheets
  • Printed out and used as elements in a journal for sale on Etsy
  • Cut up and used as background images in an artwork for sale at a craft show

There is no license for digital use of these files, so you can't sell or give them away on a website, email them to a friend or post them to Google and then share that link.

If you do want your friend to get them, just send her a link to this site and she can download them herself!

How To Print These Out

I like to print these out on either bright white cardstock or presentation paper. I think it gives the ephemera a little more heft and also prints out with brighter colors.

They are formatted to print on 8.5″ by 11″ letter sized paper.

Additional resource: How To Print Digital Downloads


You can get these printables and so many more by signing up for the free resource library! (click here if you already have the password, it comes in every newsletter!)

Click here to sign up for the freebies library - 4th of July Circles

Free Printable 4th of July Circles Wrapup

I think these turned out so darn cute and I hope you have a great time using them for your junk journals, scrapbook pages or 4th of July party decor!

If you have any suggestions for more printables you would like, shoot me an email ( and I might make some for you!

Americana Crafts Tips and Ideas - Free Printables

Rosemary Sokolowski

Thursday 8th of June 2023

This 4th of July collection is beautiful. The graphics and the colors are so bright - perfect to use in a journal or mini album. Tara makes these great printables and they are FREE. I so appreciate this!

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