Some dementia and Alzheimers patients experience “sundowning” in the evening. Here are 9 natural tips and ideas to help caregivers deal with your loved one’s sundowners syndrome when they live in your home. While it is never fun to see your loved one confused and scared, there are some concrete things we can do to …
Tips and ideas for how to pare things down when you are helping your Mom move in with you or to a nursing home! It’s not an easy admission to make, but as your mom is getting older, she may not be safe living in her home alone. Whether it’s because of dementia or age or …
There is nothing more shocking as a caregiver to watch than your Alzhemier or dementia parent losing weight and refusing eat. Here are my top tips and ideas for strategies you can try to get some calories into their diet! Our Mom’s Dementia Food Story We probably should have known that there was something wrong …
As a dementia caregiver and new grandma, I have lots of pee and poop smells clothes and bedding! Here are my best tips and ideas for taking care of icky smells in your laundry. Whether you are taking care of an elderly relative, have a houseful of stomach bug sickies or are taking care of …
As a “low smeller” all my life, I have lots of thoughts about how you might adapt if you lose your sense of smell! Tips and ideas for living with anosmia! Hearing about the trauma of people who are losing their sense of smell because of Covid gave me two different feelings… first was from …
As a dementia or Alzheimers caregiver, one of the scariest thing to consider is having your loved one wander off and get lost, hurt or worse. Here are some tips, ideas and products to help you stay on top of your loved one’s dementia wandering. What Is “Wandering Off?” When your loved one is a …
Last week my mother-in-law with dementia was on a roll! She argued with all of us and generally caused a stir in the house. But what became abundantly clear watching her was that it was futile to argue with her, she just doesn’t have the cognition to understand what is happening… sigh. Mom’s Argumentative Week …
As a dementia caregiver, taking care of Mom’s skin is getting to be a challenge. She sits and lays down almost all day, so we needed to find out some good home remedies for bed sores. Here are tips and ideas for good home skin care treatments! I will talk more about this later, but …
As a dementia caregiver, it can be frustrating reliving the same conversations over and over again. But this morning I was particularly touched that my mom told me twice about the calendar she bought. Mom’s Calendar Quest I call my mother in law “Mom” because she she has been Mom for almost 20 years now. …
Looking for an easy way to keep track of your loved ones medications? This free printable PDF chart lets you record pills they take, doses, time of day and physician. Great for trips to doctor’s offices, hospitals or nursing home stays. I never knew that I would need a list of Mom’s medicines. While she …
Today we are going to talk about something so devastating to many of us. How do we decide when our parents (who always seemed so strong) are not capable of taking care of themselves anymore and have to come live with us? I am writing this post for my bestie who just texted me and …
As a dementia or Alzheimers caregiver, we have all had that moment when we look at our loved one and think, who is this hateful person? Here are some tips and ideas we can do to make the sting a little less hurtful (and not just remembering it is the disease not them!) What Do …
When should you take away the keys or get their driving privileges revoked? Tips and ideas for how to explain why Alzhemiers or dementia loved ones can’t drive their car anymore. Our Mom Driving Story We started noticing Mom having trouble a couple of years ago. She was forgetting things, repeating herself and losing weight …
Tips and ideas for when your loved ones starts shopping too much. How to help and what you can and can’t control in regard to your your family members compulsive shopping habits. My Elderly Mom Shops Too Much! As an Alzheimer’s or dementia caregiver, we have plenty to worry about. But recently I have started …
As a senior caregiver, new mother or pet owner, you may have to deal with so much urine and feces smell. Here are some tips and ideas about how to get the stinky smells out of your loved one’s clothing in the laundry! Today we are going to talk about how to get poop and …
Tips and ideas for Alzhemiers or Dementia caregivers to do with their loved ones (that are NOT children’s toys!) How to keep your loved one amused without treating them like a child. Keeping Your Dementia Loved One Amused Okay, let’s call a spade a spade, sometimes we want our loved one to do something without …
Getting your loved one to lay down to sleep is sometimes a challenge! Here are some tips and ideas that can help family members with getting them to stop roaming around all night so they (and you) can get some sleep! Includes medications, natural solutions and practical advice. Why Don’t Dementia Or Alzheimers Sleep? Before …
As a solid member of the sandwich generation, I have two of my three kids living at home AND have my mother in law here too! And according to most projections, many of you will be in the same situation at some time, at least the “caring for your parents” part. Our Story Before I …