Listen, ladies, if you’ve got ’em, flaunt ’em, but tastefully, of course! As a curvy woman over 50, I’ve made peace with the fact that my body isn’t exactly what it used to be. My waist? MIA. My arms? A little too cozy. My thighs? Let’s not even go there. But my big boobs? Oh, …
Over 50 Women
As a woman “of a certain age” I have to start thinking about things that will help me maintain my stenght and mobility for the longest possible time! With that in mind I have started focusing on doing simple exercises that help with stability and coordination. Let’s dive into some simple exercises that can help …
A beach getaway is the perfect time to embrace effortless, elegant, and comfortable fashion. Whether you’re lounging by the shore, strolling the boardwalk, or sipping cocktails under a cabana, these stylish outfit ideas will keep you looking fabulous at any age! Here are 15 beautiful beach ensembles tailored for women over 50, featuring a variety …
Summer fashion is all about lightweight layers, breezy fabrics, and effortless style. Whether you’re heading to a picnic, the beach, or a wine tasting, layering can elevate your outfit while keeping you comfortable. Here are 15 fabulous summer outfits that mix shorts, capris, and stylish layering pieces, perfect for every occasion! Picnic in the Park …
Nothing says relaxed elegance like boho fashion, especially when you’re setting sail on a dreamy cruise! For women over 50, embracing boho style is all about flowy silhouettes, breathable fabrics, and unique accessories that exude effortless charm. Whether you’re lounging by the pool, exploring tropical ports, or enjoying a sunset dinner, here’s how to master …
I went on a cruise this year, and let me tell you—I had a blast! But you know what I didn’t have? Enough outfits that I truly LOVED. I packed light, thinking I’d just re-wear a few basics, but by day three, I was feeling seriously uninspired by my wardrobe choices. So now, I’m on …
Listen, I’m 57, and after years of keeping my makeup routine simple (aka nonexistent), I’m ready to get back to the bold, fabulous eye looks I rocked in the 80s and 90s. Because here’s the thing: dramatic eye makeup is for EVERY age, and I refuse to believe that just because I have a few …
So many of the style guides are made for gals who are much less curvy than me. Learning to dress myself, I like to try and find different ways to style my clothes in ways that make me look skinnier. Some of the “common wisdom” about what looks good (everyone says belts!) may be wrong …
I started my clothing journey at 51 after falling into sad dressing habits. Finding clothes that fit had become an absolute nightmare for me… weight and a changed body shape made everything feel too tight or too loose, too frumpy or just plain ugly on me! please note :: I often recommend resources, some I …
For many years now I have been unsure about how to dress myself. When I was young it was easy because I had a super cute little shape and everything looked good, no matter what. But then in my 40s I started to gain a few pounds and sort of gave up completely. I got …