My husband’s Mom with Alzheimers moved in with us a while ago and I realized pretty early on we have some serious differences in our idea of personal cleanliness. Here are some thoughts about why Alzheimer and Dementia patients don’t want to wash AND some tips and ideas about how to get them clean! Our …
Tara Jacobsen
I have always wondered how Dyan and Teesha Moore were able to paint on their magazine collages and even tried a few myself (SO BAD!) So when I saw Dyan had a painted magazine collage class online I jumped right in! Click Here To Take Dyan’s AMAZING Painted Magazine Collage Class! Dyan’s Painted Magazine Collage …
Today I want to talk about how I bring a piece of art together for one of my collages or mixed media pieces using the power of telling a story! What Is Magazine Collage? I do A LOT of magazine collage artwork for my Artsy Fartsy YouTube Channel! Functionally, magazine collage is cutting out images …
Some dementia and Alzheimers patients experience “sundowning” in the evening. Here are 9 natural tips and ideas to help caregivers deal with your loved one’s sundowners syndrome when they live in your home. While it is never fun to see your loved one confused and scared, there are some concrete things we can do to …
Tips and ideas for how to pare things down when you are helping your Mom move in with you or to a nursing home! It’s not an easy admission to make, but as your mom is getting older, she may not be safe living in her home alone. Whether it’s because of dementia or age or …
Tips and ideas for how you can help your cracked heels! Help for heel pain caused by dry cracked skin including essential oils and recipes for roller balls and balm. If your heels look anything like mine, this article is for you! Dry, cracked heels are very common, and range from annoying (because of how …
How to make your own washi tape using three different kinds of adhesives! All my best tips and ideas for making cute DIY washi tape to use in your art. What Is Washi Tape? Okay, let’s just get this out of the way right up front, washi tape is my jam! It is a fun …
There is nothing more shocking as a caregiver to watch than your Alzhemier or dementia parent losing weight and refusing eat. Here are my top tips and ideas for strategies you can try to get some calories into their diet! Our Mom’s Dementia Food Story We probably should have known that there was something wrong …
As a dementia caregiver and new grandma, I have lots of pee and poop smells clothes and bedding! Here are my best tips and ideas for taking care of icky smells in your laundry. Whether you are taking care of an elderly relative, have a houseful of stomach bug sickies or are taking care of …
As a “low smeller” all my life, I have lots of thoughts about how you might adapt if you lose your sense of smell! Tips and ideas for living with anosmia! Hearing about the trauma of people who are losing their sense of smell because of Covid gave me two different feelings… first was from …
Today we are going to test out mylar stencil material and make some reusable stencils with the Cricut Joy! Tips and ideas for how to use this little cutting machine to make big art! My Cricut Joy Story I don’t know about you, but I always like to know about the person I am reading …
Today I want to talk about how I use essential oils around the house (and some other “home remedies”). Sometimes I think the whole anti-essential oils thing leaves out how you don’t need medicine to fix everything that is wrong with you! “Normal” Natural Remedies I thought of writing this post last night as I …
All my best tips and ideas for using essential oils as a natural remedy for yeast infections. Includes some info about why they work so well and also which oils are best for different infections like athletes foot, thrush or genital yeast infections. If you’ve had one, you know there’s nothing more annoying than a …
If you are looking for a fun (and portable) way to take your art journal with you, for sure you want to use a travelers notebook! Tips and ideas for how to set up and use a travelers notebook for your artwork. What Is A Travelers Notebook? I was so excited when I found out …
Texture paste is a great way to add dimension and pattern to your mixed media artwork! Here are all my best tips and ideas for using texture paste in your art journal or mixed media projects. While I have many different art supplies in my craft room, one that I go to again and again …
Today we are going to talk about all the best tips and ideas for using essential oils to help with brittle nails! Includes oil recommendations and recipes for making essential oils blends. If you’re anything like me, you try so hard to grow longer nails, only to have them split, crack and peel. Lots of things …
This is a super fun and practical comparison of using Matte versus Gloss Mod Podge in your mixed media or art journal. There really is a difference between the two that is noticeable in the finished product! The Mod Podge Challenge! I have used Mod Podge for decades, starting when I was child decoupaging with …
Tips and ideas for how to make a vintage style, white art journal page. All kinds of fun techniques from vintage background papers, to embossing and layering! Vintage White Background Art Journal Page Idea I have been wanting to do a vintage page with a white background like this for a while now. I see …